II. The Brahmins - Who we really are

Excerpt from: Die Menschheitslüge – Wer wir wirklich sind
by Anna Maria von Ohr
They are the people who bring light. They show people the way out of their small world into the world of light. They accompany people through the gate of the rainbow into the land of light, where all dreams originate and end. They lead the way and make sure that all people follow them.
This task is incumbent on the whole Brahmin people and not just a small part of it, as it should and must work for the whole of humanity. It is very important that this task is not only carried out by a few chosen ones, as they would be far from sufficient to fulfill the task incumbent on their people in view of the numerically large population of the earth. Otherwise, the right proportion and balance would be lacking, as without personal guidance, support and teaching, the achievement of each individual's goal would not be guaranteed.
Caste system
It was not until around 3,000 to 500 years before the beginning of our era that this task was imperceptibly transferred more and more from the Brahmin people to the caste of monks, who finally reserved the name Brahmin exclusively for themselves and emphasized their supposedly special position.
In this way, dark forces have made it impossible for the Brahmin people to adequately fulfill their duty to humanity. With the introduction of a new value system by downgrading other members of the people to subordinate castes and the devaluation of women to objects, a system of rule was introduced which made it possible for the Brahmins to be exploited and dominated by dark forces. Even their monks did not realize that they were no longer able to carry the light and the pure teachings to all peoples. Perhaps in the course of time they had also lost the knowledge that this mission had existed since the beginning of creation. Instead of devoting themselves to spreading the doctrine, they remained in their monasteries and only taught those who found their own way to them. In some cases, they did not even accept foreigners, as they were of the opinion that they were not educated enough. This shows a failure to recognize their special task as well as a lack of understanding of the task incumbent on the people as a whole. Accordingly, wandering monks were mainly on the move in the settlement areas of their own people and were therefore no longer able to reach the rest of the world's population. Very rarely did a member of this people set out to teach other peoples and on other continents. This was and still is a rare exception.
The settlement area of the Brahmins
extends from the Himalayas across today's Nepal, Pakistan, partly Afghanistan to southern India, Ceylon, in the north across Burma and partly Thailand and includes the islands of Indonesia. Borneo, however, was the settlement area of the Tibetans in the north and only the Brahmins in the south. New Guinea was assigned exclusively to the Aborigines. The Philippine Islands were divided between Brahmins and Tibetans. However, the peoples in these areas intermingled very strongly, as there had always been a lively trade between the islands.
Indus civilization
The remains of settlements on the Indus and in the adjacent areas are remnants of a civilization that dates back to the times before the Atlantic plate collapse. Here, the Gypsies lived side by side with the Brahmins in peace for a long time. However, in the course of their coexistence, major disputes arose, which were also fought out in war. However, this civilization did not finally perish as a result of fighting between the two ethnic groups, but due to an asteroid impact over the sea. The Brahmins who lived in this area still spoke Sanskrit at that time. Today, the associated cultural form is also known as the Harappa culture.
The Gupta
were the main tribe of Brahmins. The Maurya empire they inhabited is much older than is currently known. So far, however, science only has knowledge of the last period before the fall of the empire. Like all other peoples, the Brahmins had a highly educated priesthood, which was also responsible for technical achievements. Their achievements no longer exist today, as the buildings have been destroyed and the writings are either not available or have also been destroyed. Here are just a few examples of the achievements of this great people from around 10,000 to 13,000 years ago.
The Taj Mahal
is today an impressive religious building that enjoys great prestige throughout the world. It stands in an area that has an excellent vibration for technical facilities, but is less suitable for religious buildings. The builders of the Taj Mahal first had to remove the ruins of the buildings still standing there before they could begin with the actual construction. The remaining ruins in the surrounding area were removed after the construction of the Taj Mahal, but before the large lawn in front of it was laid out and the area leveled. The world's population at the time had access to electricity in many areas and was familiar with its use. Electricity was generated by various types of power stations not only in India, but all over the world.
In earlier times, when the dark forces had not yet suffocated all knowledge, there was a large power station on the site where the Taj Mahal stands today. The power of the nearby river was used to generate electricity at this location. Buildings with technical facilities were erected on both sides of the river to process the electricity and transmit it to the surrounding area. The main plant was located on the same bank as the Taj Mahal. A number of hollow cables were stretched through the river between the buildings, in which rotors turned, driven by the current. Appropriate technology was used to generate electricity that could be discharged and consumed. This was a hydroelectric power station, the remains of which were destroyed during the construction of the Taj Mahal. The monolith bridge in the Himalayas north of Mana, which spans a deep gorge about 10 meters wide, is made of a single large stone. It is made of granite, is about 13 meters long, 8 meters high and 4.5 meters wide. It is not easy to calculate the volume as the stone has an irregular shape. With the above dimensions, it has a volume of around 468 m³ and a weight of 1,263 tons.
This bridge was brought to this location around 10,000 years ago. Even with the most modern heavy-duty cranes, such a feat would hardly be possible today, especially in the high mountains. Techniques were used that are no longer known to us today. In earlier times, there was still knowledge of the extent to which gravity could be neutralized in relation to individual objects. This was realized with the help of quantum physics, which no longer exists today, but which will be developed and understood again. With this theory and the formulas based on it, it will also be possible to find the correct explanation for ebb and flow, which is also based on the laws of gravity. The current explanations of this phenomenon are not correct. Today's quantum physics has errors that still need to be found and corrected. Its explanation of gravity must be put to the test just as urgently as the idea of the structure of the earth and its functioning. The earth has a completely different structure than is known today. The knowledge of the true laws of nature already existed in the past and has unfortunately been completely destroyed.
As a result, heavy loads were moved by attaching smaller devices to them in order to reduce the force of gravity and thus make loads considerably lighter. This made it possible to transport even unusually large stones to a predetermined location with the help of a cargo balloon. The stone therefore floated to its destination - it came from the air, so to speak. This took place strictly according to earthly laws, using the technical knowledge of the time and the appropriate machinery. There is no need to speculate that the loads were moved by beaming, pure mental power or even with the help of extraterrestrial powers (Däniken). Highly developed technology existed worldwide at the time. This development came to an end around 12,000 years ago with the so-called plate fall, to which large parts of the population and the animal world fell victim. The iron, non-rusting pillar, Ashoka Pillar, as it is also known, did not always stand in Delhi (India), where it can be found today.
It was once the heart of an aviation station. It was, so to speak, a transmitter that worked in conjunction with other technical systems. From its original location, messages could be sent to aircraft or other distant installations with similarly arranged columns. The column worked in conjunction with a smaller pyramid, which was necessary to build up the transmission power over long distances. The column consists mainly of iron, which is combined with rare metals and earths as well as silicon. This mixture not only served to prevent rust, but was also necessary for the column's transmission capability.
Basalt columns from Nan Madol
The structures in the sea near Nan Madol in the archipelago of the Caroline Islands in the Federated States of Micronesia, which stand on basalt columns in the coral reefs and the remains of which can still be seen today, were built by Tibetans on the remains of a former food factory. These were built on artificial islands by members of the Brahman people before the dark period. It was only later, when the Brahmins had already abandoned them, that members of the Tibetan people modified and used the remaining parts of the buildings to suit their needs. From then on, there was something like a residence here and the associated pomp and circumstance. The tombs that have been found also date from this late period. However, the use by the Tibetans was completely different from what this place was originally designed and built for.
At that time, the Tibetans would no longer have been able to produce the basalt substructures. They lacked the understanding and the technical means to do so, because essential parts of the technical knowledge had been lost throughout the world with the Atlantic plate fall. In this case, too, the basalt blocks had been transported through the air with the aid of weight reduction using carrier balloons and then stacked on top of each other. The stone blocks only weighed a third of their actual weight during transportation. Without this technique, it would have been impossible to build these structures. In the time before the Dark Ages, the Brahmans had to supply a very large population with food. Just like the Etruscans, they were engaged in the production of food on a large scale. They operated veritable food factories in which the division of labor was already known, like on an assembly line.
However, they did not process fish in Nan Madol, like the Etruscans on the North Sea, but seaweed, for which they had developed technical processes that enabled them to make it edible and preserve it for a long time by chemically transforming it using seawater. The seaweed was grown in the vicinity of the factory, delivered by small boats - sometimes just canoes - that could travel between the facilities on the waterways, and then processed and packaged there before being shipped all over the world. The seaweed was stored in seawater basins located between the buildings, the remains of which can still be seen today. Further processing took place in the houses next to the basins and the main packaging plant was located where the "residence" was later built. All the production processes in the entire area were already very economically broken down into the individual work steps in line with today's requirements.
Similar facilities were located throughout the area, as the type of seaweed favored by people at the time thrived particularly well here. Such seaweed probably still exists in these areas. However, not only seaweed was processed in this factory, but also mussels. Like the seaweed, these were delivered from the surrounding areas, then salted, packaged and shipped. This branch of the business was also carried out on a large scale. No extraterrestrial star people had anything to do with these facilities. Only humans were ever active here.
Mount Padang
on the Indonesian island of Java was rediscovered by Dutch immigrants in 1914. It is a mound that is littered with large, hewn boulders. Geologists and archaeologists are currently examining various theories as to the original meaning and purpose of these structures. I also consulted the Akashic Records about this place and received a very simple answer. The boulders are said to have been part of a fortress that served as a customs station and storehouse for the payment of taxes in the form of food. Excavations should therefore be able to find evidence of this. The foodstuffs were sent from there to the various parts of the country and distributed at their destination according to a specific system. There were no single rulers at that time, only regional ruling houses. The highest priesthood, which was represented by a council of priests, was consulted on all important decisions and acted in an advisory capacity.
However, the advice of the council was always taken into account, so that government action was always accompanied by spiritual guidance. This fortified complex must have been built before the Atlantic plate fall, because the knowledge of the technique of reducing the weight of the stones by reducing the earth's gravitational pull was no longer available afterwards. The state system was much more social than it is today, as the state revenues, which came mainly from foreign tribes, were essentially passed on to the population after being divided up among the local ruling houses.
Little or no taxes were levied on the local population. As a result, people in the Brahmanical states of the time lived in prosperity and wealth. Accordingly, they had more time to take care of other things than just making a living. Poverty and hunger did not exist in those areas at that time because the citizens also helped each other and, in accordance with their religious beliefs, donated from their abundance to those who were not so well off. Today, however, in almost all countries of the world, only a fraction of government revenue reaches the population. The rest of the money seeps away in areas for purposes that are difficult to understand and are not wanted by the people. Regardless of the form of government, the populations of the individual states have to hand over the vast majority of their income to the rulers. This share, which was 10% in the Middle Ages, has been constantly increased in all areas for some time, which in the long term - despite growing productivity worldwide - will lead to increasing poverty and hunger.
In some areas, this has already led to sustained expressions of discontent or uprisings. It is also obvious that those in power - including the current government of the Federal Republic of Germany - are trying to prepare for this by changing the law, for example by transferring police duties to the Bundeswehr. The result is a disintegration of societies, which is what the dark forces want. However, disintegrated and broken communities do not offer people any protection, but leave them at the mercy of domination and oppression.
Earlier times were not dark or mysterious, but were very civilized and orderly. As you can see from the example of the Brahmins, societies at that time were far ahead of us in some areas, especially in social terms. The societies were highly developed and people did not walk around swinging clubs. None of the fairy tales that our children have to learn at school today and that are still told over and over again are true. Rarely have people been as ignorant as they are today!
The holy place of the Brahmins
is the Himalayas. The people of the Himalayas preserve the treasure of this people. From this place, the Brahmins can glean all knowledge about the whole of creation, including all the worlds it contains, all parts of these worlds and humanity's part in them, as far as fundamental things are concerned. It teaches what connection creation has to its Creator, it teaches respect for His creation and explains the nature, love and goodness of the sole Creator of all being. The Holy Place also shows the way of return and awakening in reality and shows how people can reach their goal quickly and directly. Above all, it helps to recall all related memories.
The area above the ground
in the holy place of the Brahmins contains all knowledge about the upper worlds, their number, their nature, about the unity of creator and creation, about our creators as well as about the creator above everything and in everything. The place conveys the correct relationship of human beings to their supreme Creator and, conversely, His relationship to human beings, and shows the path that leads to Him and how it can be followed. The Holy Light in this place signifies the nature of the Creator and its effects on creation and human beings and opens access to all manifestations of his divinity. It provides all wisdom about the different ways of seeing the Creator of everything and about His nature. It teaches the meaning of love and its connection with creation. Above all, however, it provides all knowledge about how and in what way people can leave their form of existence and reach the higher worlds, so that they are able to classify their present life and their present form of existence correctly and, from this knowledge, reach their original state of creation again.
The area on the ground
provides people with all the knowledge about their origins. It provides knowledge about the right way of life, the right view of man's needs and his position in creation and the significance of the human body in relation to his spiritual and mental existence. It conveys knowledge about offers of help and aids to achieve higher knowledge quickly. This includes aids such as yoga, meditation, mantras and even the correct use of sacred sexuality. The priests - or rather the Brahmin masters - have written extensive texts on this subject in their sacred language. Thank God these books are still kept in the monasteries.
The area below the ground
provides comprehensive information about the lower worlds, in particular how many there are and which life forms and species are present in them. It also explains how living beings can ascend or descend from one world to the next and who is able to do so. Brahmins can also learn more about beings that are so-called border crossers. It provides further insight into the character traits of those who dwell in the lower worlds and into the consequences of living out hatred, addictions, greed and other detrimental traits to the utmost.
The sacred language of the Brahmins
is Sanskrit. This language is still completely preserved in the monastery libraries. It should be spoken and written by as many Brahmins as possible. The sacred language of Sanskrit, like the sacred languages of all other peoples, is accompanied by the corresponding sacred scriptures. Let us hope that many Brahmins will make the effort and learn their sacred language and script again. Many brown people - the Brahmins - have unfortunately discarded their sacred language, Sanskrit. But there are still people of this people who can read, speak and understand this language. The monks still learn Sanskrit; however, this language is mostly used like a dead language and is hardly spoken in daily life. This should be reintroduced. It is necessary that as many inhabitants of Pakistan, Nepal, India, Indonesia and all the other people belonging to the Brahmins learn their holy language again and, by speaking the words and syllables again, connect with their national power.
For it is certain that a nation that no longer has access to its spiritual treasure will wither away, disintegrate and finally disintegrate, since the individual people lack the inner cohesion and the strength associated with it. The people who have become fearful and unstable due to the forgetting of their ethnicity and sacred language can easily be abused for forced labor and any other kind of bonded labor without being able to resist. In India and other Brahmin areas, there are many people who have to work all day long only for the most urgent needs without ever reaching the realm of plenty. These are also effects of forgetting the origins.
The Holy Scriptures of the Brahmins
is Gupta. Brahmi is not a holy scripture but an artificial scripture introduced by dark forces to create confusion. The Tibetan scripture is a successor to the Brahmin scripture. The Holy Book of the Bahmans is the Bhagavad Gita. This is one of the few original works given to mankind still available today. The Bhagavad Gita is very sacred. It would be wonderful if it were to be written down again in the Gupta script, as it could then unfold a much greater power.
The Brahmin priesthood was made up of individual rishis (priests). They were responsible for spiritual guidance, research, teaching and predictions. Even after the fall of the Atlantean plate, they created the palm leaf library, which to this day helps both the individual seeking advice and, with its general predictions, humanity as a whole not to lose sight of the goal of their efforts in difficult times.
Until around 3,000 BCE, the Brahmins donated food to the poor in excess of their abundance. In this way, hunger could not even arise among this people, as enough people lived in wealth and prosperity. When the people of this nation stopped doing such good deeds and thought only of themselves, hunger set in among their people. Let us hope that many of the Brahmin people will once again remember their traditional generosity and charity towards their fellow human beings, so that the inadequate supply of food to the population, which is particularly widespread in Brahmin countries today, will come to an end.
Consequences of the destruction of the Brahmins
The brown people, the Brahmins, can no longer show humanity the way into the light, as only a very small proportion of Brahmins still speak Sanskrit or are at all concerned with the path of people into the light. What is needed is a large people, even in terms of numbers, who can teach all people to go out of delusion through the gate of light and, above all, accompany them on their way. People need training and guidance in order to recognize the truth and to take up their path towards the Divine Light and become enlightened. If the service of the Brahmin people remains undone for humanity, it will remain in delusion like a hamster wheel and never experience the infinite fullness of God's light and love, except perhaps for individuals who only find the path to the only truth after a long and arduous search. It is therefore extremely urgent that the Brahmins realize their position and their task of teaching all people to enter eternity through the gate of light.