I. The DEUTSCHEN - The primitive people
Excerpt from: "Die Menschheitslüge - Wer wir wirklich sind"
by Ina Maria von Ohr

They are called Deutsche and, like the Wends and the Etruscans, belong to the white-skinned people. All people belonging to the Deutschen people are connected to each other through their innermost spiritual knowledge.
This applies to all people belonging to a nation. This can be made clear by the example of the flying dragons. They were invented by the Chinese, but could only be copied by other peoples after they had been taught how to do so by the Chinese.
If one member of a people invents something, this knowledge is available to all members of the same people within a very short time - a wonderfully practical matter. For this reason, "inventions" are often made in different places at the same time. Superficially, this happens because "the time is ripe" for this invention, but actually because it was made by one person and is therefore available to all members of the same people.
Their original distribution area
extended from Iceland, Norway, Sweden, England, Ireland, Denmark, parts of Germany, in particular southern and western Deutschland (eastern Deutschland with the former eastern territories belonged to the settlement area of the Wends), the Netherlands, Belgium, France, further over the Pyrenees, the Alps over Austria and parts of Hungary, the Ukraine to the Altai Mountains and over Mongolia almost to the Sea of Japan. In the north, this strip of land was bordered by Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Altai Mountains and northern Mongolia. The expansion area thus stretched like a broad band through the middle of the Eurasian landmass.
In the beginning, the entire settlement area of the Deutschen was fertile land, there was no Black or Caspian Sea in those distant times. All the Kargland and the two inland seas were only created by natural events afterwards. The North Sea has only existed since the so-called Atlantic plate fall. Before that, this area also belonged to the settlement area of the Deutschen people. It is therefore understandable that England, Scotland and Ireland were also Deutsches settlement areas. A major natural disaster caused part of the mainland between England and Ireland on one side and France, the Netherlands, Deutschland and Denmark on the other to sink. The new coastline stretched along the present-day continental shelf off the Frisian islands. The Wadden Sea was only created as a result of further terrible flooding, triggered in particular by a giant wave that was the result of a strong Atlantic seaquake. The Ranghold, located between today's coast and the North, East and West Frisian Islands, and a number of other small towns also sank as a result. The land bridge that once connected the European continent with America via what is now Greenland had already sunk at the time of the plate collapse and was unable to stop the enormous tides rolling towards the North Sea.
The Deutschen people were once much more numerous than today, three to four times as strong. In times when the earth was less devastated than it is today, so many people were able to feed themselves from the bounty of the earth without difficulty.
Deutsche tribes
The main tribe of the Deutschen are the Teutons, of which the Gauls are a broad sub-tribe. Other tribes are the Welsh, the Cimbri, the Westphalians, the Franks, the Bavarians, the Scandinavians (are a Deutsche tribe and made up parts of the so-called Vikings), the Flemings, the Walloons and many others. The Normans were not a tribe of the Deutschen or any other people. It was merely a term derived from the location in the north for the "northern men", who belonged to different tribes. It was the same with the Alemanni. They were also made up of different tribes. They were then called the "Alle Mannen", which was merely a term for the foreigners. Vikings were Deutsche, but they did not belong to a tribal entity, but were also members of different tribes who were called Vikings because of their joint ventures.
Cimbri and Teutons
The alleged migration of the Cimbri and Teutons was only a migration of the Cimbri. Caused by a comet, their settlement area in what is now Lower Saxony was hit by a long-lasting drought, which was followed by a great famine. The drought was so bad that even the large rivers in the area hardly carried any water. As a result, the Cimbri only had a very limited living space, which was insufficient to feed the entire tribe. It was only for this reason, and by no means because other areas were to be conquered, that a large migration of refugees headed south. Parts of their former settlement area had already been called Friesland. Later, the inhabitants of Friesland, who had remained in their homeland and survived the years of hardship, were given the invented name "Frisians" in order to separate the tribal name "Cimbri" given to them at the time of their creation from the associated tribe. The Frisians are therefore in reality the descendants of the Cimbri and are still Cimbri today. Over the centuries, they have regained strength and grown in number.
The migration of the Cimbri people southwards was protected by a strong army of Teuton friends, while the Teutonic people themselves remained in their homeland, which had not been affected by the drought in any way. The Teutonic army returned to its homeland once the convoy was over.
Contrary to popular belief, the
were not a tribe of the Deutschen; rather, "Celts" was the name given to the highest priestly class of the Deutschen people. This explains why the Celts were always said to have built this building or run that temple. All this is true, as in earlier times important cultural, technical or religious buildings were always initiated and operated by members of the corresponding priesthoods. The druids, on the other hand, who are said to have been priests of the Celts, were in fact comparable to the later barbers. They took care of minor illnesses, but also of the spiritual needs of the local population. They were the local healers and also established contact with the ancestors when necessary.
As priests, the Celts had much broader duties, which applied to all priesthoods. They were the mediators to the spiritual world, carried out scientific research and teaching and advised the people on important issues, also dispensed justice and in many cases even provided the government. The level of development of a people can be gauged by the quality of the work of the highest priests. Every member of a people could become a priest for all tribes, regardless of which tribe they belonged to, as long as they had undergone the appropriate training. Priests were admitted solely on the basis of their level of knowledge if they also offered the guarantee of an impeccable lifestyle; other requirements such as descent from a particular clan or family, social status or gender were only introduced in later times and served to divide and control people.
tribes The tribe of Germanic tribes described everywhere today did not exist anywhere.
No tribe of peoples and certainly no tribe of the Deutschen bore this name. This word was invented by the Greeks. The "dark forces" later used this word to suppress the real name of the Deutschen people ("teutsch") from people's knowledge. Accordingly, there was and is no Germanic language or language family. These are also invented connections. Rather, the Greeks called a certain neighboring tribe Ger-man (Speermann). They were probably unaware of what this tribe was actually called, or they had no interest in the way of life of the tribes that were foreign to them. In any case, today it is difficult to determine which tribe or people were so named, as there were many peoples living in the Mediterranean region.
The idea of Stonehenge
as an observatory and place of worship must also be corrected. It was in fact one of the largest healing centers of the German people on the European continent. The complex was built on a sacred site and aligned with the stars and the winter solstice to create a very high healing vibration in the inner circle of blue stones. The summer solstice was not such an important festival and did not have the importance that it is given today, when many things are seen and represented in the wrong way. The winter solstice ushers in the rising season and for this reason alone gives cause for great joy, as nature renews itself and life regains its strength. The summer solstice, on the other hand, heralds the decline of life. From this point onwards, nature begins to die until life comes to rest in winter. Significantly, the great feast days for the dead are also in November. The high mortality rate of many people in November is also striking. As you can see, the summer solstice offers no cause for joy.
5,000 years ago, people from all over the world traveled to Stonehenge all year round. They rightly expected to be cured of every conceivable illness here. At that time, people still knew that holy light and holy energy
(Hei-lig = high light) are the same and always work on their own. Both forces change a person's perspective and attitude with the result that health and well-being are promoted. No matter what illnesses people came to Stonehenge with, they were healed if they only exposed themselves to this beneficial energy.
To do this, people went into the inner circle under the supervision of the upper priests of the local tribe, stayed there and experienced healing in this way. The vibration in the inner stone circle was high all year round, but increased significantly at the high festival of the winter solstice due to the ceremonies held there and the sun falling at a certain angle. As a result, the influx was at its highest at this time of year. Even today - in its ruined state - it is still possible to experience healing in the inner circle of the blue stones. The flow of pilgrims to Stonehenge was so great that people sometimes had to queue for days before it was their turn to be treated. The local population provided the waiting crowd with everything they needed to live. Due to the large crowds, however, it happened time and again that people had to wait too long for the help they had longed for and died before treatment could begin. Over time, many cemeteries were built around Stonehenge for the burial of the dead
Unfortunately, people are denied access to the inner circle by today's rulers, so that no one can experience healing. A fence has now been built around the whole of Stonehenge and the area is protected by guards who prevent people from entering. Private guided tours can be booked. However, the site can only be entered in groups for a fee and under supervision, without normal visitors being able to access the inner stone circle.
Stonehenge has been reconstructed by scientists using dummies, largely as it might have originally looked. Here are just a few remarks on the construction and function of this large site:
The outer large stones were originally covered by a roof, which also extended over an internal arcade, so that the waiting people were protected from the rain. The inner stone circle with the blue stones was without a roof, as no obstacle was to hinder the vibration between earth and sky. Those seeking healing were led through the inner circle in an orderly fashion. The time spent there was limited in order to cope with the large crowds. However, the time in the inner circle was stretched so that the stay there seemed longer to people than it actually was. This stretching of time was achieved by the Holy Place and the corresponding arrangement of the stones. In this way, the receptivity of the facility was increased and many people were able to experience the blessings of the Holy Power.
Stonehenge did not function as an observatory, although it was built according to astronomical guidelines. Nor was its use for religious purposes in any way a priority. It was used exclusively for the healing and health of people and would still be able to fulfill this purpose today if it were allowed. Stonehenge is a legacy of the German people. This site will be rebuilt after the end of the Dark Ages and will shine in new splendor, albeit in a different location that is more suitable due to its high light density. When the new Stonehenge then begins its work, it will once again be a great gift to mankind.
The hoard of the Nibelungs
The history of Europe will also have to be rewritten after the Dark Ages. The major important tribes of the Germans put up considerable resistance against the Roman conquerors. In those early days, the Roman emperors were already completely devoted to the "dark forces" and carried out their instructions. They were to subjugate the Germans, who were still unruly at the time and lived freely and independently.
2,000 years ago, the leaders of the main tribes realized that they would hardly be able to defend their people. They - the Burgundians, Gauls and Teutons - had formed an alliance against the Romans in order to stand together to the bitter end if necessary. The priests and the leading families of these three powerful tribes decided, among other things, that they would jointly preserve and conceal all religious and secular valuables for posterity in order to protect them from the invaders.
For this reason, around 56 AD, they gathered together all the valuables, shrines and various sacred texts that were recorded on silver plates in the Holy Deutschen Scriptures at a suitable location on the Rhine. This was the entire national treasure of the three tribes. They decided to secure this huge treasure and recover it under the Rhine. To do this, they diverted the river and created a vault in its bed, where they stored the treasure in chests made of a rust-proof alloy. They also secured the site with signs to make it indestructible. After the construction work was completed, they diverted the Rhine back into its old bed, making the hiding place inaccessible and almost impossible to find. The treasure of state and knowledge, reportedly consisting of around 140 wagonloads, remains intact to this day and is still hidden within the walls. It will be discovered once the dark period is over. Then, thanks to the extremely far-sighted foresight of the priesthood of that time, the Deutschen people will be able to recover quickly both economically and spiritually and help all nations to recover.
The Saga of the Nibelungs, which also tells of a great treasure in the Rhine, is merely an epic with no historical background and is fictitious with regard to all the characters mentioned in it. The only true core of the story is the account of the great treasure in the Rhine. Incidentally, Nibel-ungen can be translated as "engulfed by mist".
The holy place of the Germans
is the Altaj Mountains in its entirety. It is the spiritual center of this great nation. Seen from space, the Altaj Mountains look like a huge sphere of white, very powerful light that is beautiful to behold. The sight of this place brings happiness and joy to everyone's heart. It is a very busy place. All the gods, plants and elemental beings that reside there spread great joy. Ultimately, every power place of a people looks like a large ball of light when viewed from a distance. These places are very important for the earth as they help to maintain the order of life. Each place of power triggers different, but always great and sublime feelings in people.
The Altaj Mountains were and are the stronghold of the spiritual wisdom of the Deutschen people. All members of the people were and are inwardly connected to this place, regardless of their knowledge in this regard. In the times when the people were strong, this knowledge was still present in all parts of the people and all areas. Because every person is connected to the sacred spiritual center of his people from birth without any further intervention, every person also has a natural right to access all the spiritual knowledge of his people. This knowledge is the reason why man can always find his personal home within himself.
In the course of the history of the Deutschen people, however, terrible natural disasters occurred to which large parts of the people fell victim, devastating large parts of their territory. This happened long before the great flood, which was fateful for the Atlantean people. Among other things, a very bright flash of fire of enormous proportions occurred in the Kazakh lowlands, devastating everything. This resulted in terrible famines. Accordingly, a large area in this region is still called the famine steppe today. The land west of the Kazakh lowlands as far as the Ukraine and eastwards to the Altay Mountains was uninhabitable for a long time afterwards. As a result, the Deutschen people were literally carved up in terms of their settlement area. Living conditions had also become difficult in the areas east of the Altai Mountains, for example in what is now Mongolia.
The parts of the Deutschen people who had settled east of the Altaj Mountains in present-day Mongolia retreated to the Altaj Mountains. However, the situation for the people living there was hardly comparable to the catastrophic living conditions that had been triggered by the flash of fire west of the Altaj Mountains. In these areas, people died in droves. The parts of the Deutschen people who lived west of the disaster area (from the Urals to the Ukraine) retreated to what is now core Europe because living conditions had become too difficult and further famines had set in. To do so, some of the Deutschen had to cross the territories of the Wends. These large migratory movements also led to a partial mixing of the Deutschen with the Wends. The resulting distribution of settlement areas has been preserved to this day. Other peoples migrated into and settled in the settlement areas assigned to the Deutschen people by creation and from which they were expelled by the natural disaster. Today, the yellow Tibetan people live in Mongolia. Parts of various peoples settled in the areas west of the Altaj Mountains. The spiritual head of the Deutschen people in the Altaj Mountains remained untouched by this development. People living there (shamans and wise women and men) carried the special knowledge of the people over the millennia and are still its guardians today. It rests there like in a Holy Grail and can be accessed by all members of the Deutschen people. This knowledge is the very basis of their existence.
Due to the geographical separation of the vast majority of the Deutschen from their spiritual center, the special folk knowledge has slipped away from them. However, it is still readily available and retrievable for every member of the nation today with the appropriate effort.
The Altaj Mountains are one of the places on earth where there is an unusual amount of white light. This is enhanced by the presence of whole hosts of light beings. It is really buzzing with happiness and liveliness. When I saw this for the first time, I laughed from the bottom of my heart - it was so cheerful there.
In the area above the ground
of the Altaj Mountains is the home of the gods. The Deutschen tribes (who never existed as such), actually the Teutons, spoke of Asgard as the home of the nature gods. The deities come to Asgard in the Altaj Mountains to linger before they travel around the world to perform new deeds and help to keep the earth in balance with their power over the forces of nature. The gods have various tasks, which they accomplish with the help of their spiritual powers. One example is the god of earthquakes, who splits the earth with his trident to create the lightning bolts that precede an earthquake.
In every cultural epoch the gods were called something different. This was done by the rulers in order to prevent people from associating with their gods. The gods teach people and endeavor to work together with them in a beneficial way. However, this can only happen if people can establish and maintain a connection with the gods. One way of doing this is for people to pronounce the correct name of a god or to write it in the Holy Scriptures. The correct names of the deities were once known to the people of the various nations. People who know the true names of the gods can gain access to the deities by using them. Invented names can hardly provide this access. The seat of all the gods is therefore by no means Olympus, as assumed in Greek culture, but the Altaj Mountains, at least for the gods of nature.
The Deutschen people know the powers and possibilities of the gods of nature and can call upon this knowledge. The knowledge of the powers of the gods and the associated knowledge of the forces of nature is of immeasurable value to people, as it makes it possible to predict storms, giant waves, earthquakes and similar events. This knowledge includes the knowledge of the origin of the forces of nature and the possibility of countering them. However, the gods want to be addressed in the right way if they are to share their knowledge with humans. Their real concern is to serve humans and Mother Earth. They do not want to create fear and terror, as has often been assumed. In order to gain the help of the gods, the laws of the forces of nature must be understood and taken into account in people's actions. All of nature is animate and therefore capable of action. This is completely independent of whether people are aware of this possibility or whether they deny it. The fact itself remains in the world, even if it is denied.
Every people has its own gods. This alone is significant in that each people has its own special tasks to fulfill in the world community. They receive the appropriate help from their gods. Gods are beings who are endowed with great power in order to use it for the good of all and thereby contribute to order in the entire universe. Thanks to their power and strength, they are able to lead a life as stars and influence the balance of power in the universe. The light creatures of the elves and elves have gathered in the Altaj Mountains. Both are peoples of the elemental realm. The beings belonging to this realm prepare the ground and the basic conditions for higher life. Without their preparatory work, animal and human life on earth would be impossible. They are vital in the truest sense of the word. From the elves, humans can learn to understand the workings of plants growing on solid land and their significance for human life. Together, the elves and elves form the plant kingdom.
The plant visible to us is one part of the elemental being. The other part is the light creature, which is called the elf or elfin. This light figure is invisible to most people. According to the prevailing idea today, plants are only seen as things. On this basis, however, the essence of plants remains misunderstood. Only when people once again recognize the souls of plants can they make contact with them and experience all the wisdom that is inherent in them.
The elbes
teach everything about ponds, pools, streams, lakes and all other types of water with the exception of seas and rivers.
They know everything there is to know about aquatic medicinal plants, healing waters and the other uses to which aquatic plants and waters can be put. They too are just waiting to be asked to share all their knowledge with the German people. Elves cannot influence the quality and purity of water in any way, but they can provide information about it. If asked, the elves will reveal everything about the effects of the medicinal plants in their waters or about what can be woven, woven and built with rushes and other water plants.
They are also beings of light who live in the plants with one part of their soul and lead a normal life in elvish society with the other. Like the elves, they are also plants with an expanded consciousness. Elves are all plants that live in water. For example, mangrove trees are also elves. Regardless of whether they are trees, swamp plants or other aquatic plants, the main thing is that the plants can only live in association with water. All other plants belong to the realm of the elves.
The elves
are closely related to the elbes; they are the plants that grow on solid land. They provide information about which areas are best suited for their growth and why this is so, what soil conditions must be present, what the soil may lack or what is too much in it. They also provide information about the medicinal effects of the land-based plants and what else they can be used for.
The Celts, the priestly class of the Germans, knew about the special features of trees, shrubs and herbs and gave lessons in the birch grove, held court under the oak or meetings under the lime tree. Trees have far-reaching abilities that should be used again in the future. To this end, the knowledge and wisdom that the Celts possessed back then must be brought back to light. The Celts used the powers and wisdom of the trees to increase their knowledge. Gaining far-reaching knowledge was the most important goal in life in earlier times.
Nowadays, trees are only perceived as a raw material that can be processed or burned. This distorted view or narrowed perspective is very regrettable and deprives people of many opportunities. However, this is in the interests of the "dark forces", as the enrichment of the world through plants and their knowledge is contrary to their intentions.
As elemental races, elves and elbes belong to the great realm of nature. The giants and diesels are also active on earth. Without these two peoples, the life and prosperity of plants and thus also of higher life on our earth would be impossible. In this context, the fairies should also be mentioned, who, among other things, regulate the pollination of plants. The realm of elemental beings is, as you can see, very large. It is often described in German fairy tales in order to give the children of the German people access to their later helpers from an early age.
The wichtel, also known as diesel
live in burrows in the forest or in heaps of earth in gardens. They are the stewards of the earth. They know where plants thrive best, which fungi, worms and microorganisms fit together and complement each other to produce the best growth and life. Without their help, everything would be in the wrong place and have less favorable living conditions. Our ancestors used to place a bowl of sugar water under the elder bush to thank the diesels for their work. When these creatures are in our swing area, they can use it to fortify themselves before they set off on their return journey. Diesel certainly also knows how a garbage dump, radioactively contaminated area or heavily polluted soil can be cleaned up again, how infertile or dead seeds - such as those produced by the genetic engineering industry or simply by radiation - can germinate again and similar things. For this reason, it is essential in the coming time to know about these beings and to ask them to intervene helpfully in our destroyed environment.
This is also the reason why the Germans love their garden gnomes - the gnomes (Diesel, who are currently unemployed) - so much.
The giants
are absolutely necessary for the initial colonization of plants in the high mountains. Needless to say, giants also belong to the realm of elemental beings. Elemental beings are the stirrup holders for higher life forms. Without their efforts, higher life on this earth would be impossible. Giants break open the rocks that jut abruptly into the sky, level the bizarre outcrops and thus ensure that the first plants can find a foothold on the rocks and create a breeding ground so that other plants can follow them.
The people of the fairies
ensures that the flying insects pollinate all plants and that none are left unattended. Without their work, pollination would be a matter of pure chance, the results of which would certainly leave much to be desired. Should one insect species only be available in reduced numbers, the fairies ensure that another takes over its tasks. A real "emergency plan" is then forged, so to speak.
All elemental beings belong to the many forces of nature that work on earth to enable smooth coexistence and make a decisive contribution to cohesion. The German people have access to the entire elemental realm and can seek advice here. The living beings described below do not belong to the elemental realm, but are large and powerful entities to which the German people only have limited access. The following belongs to the domain of other peoples.
are independent living beings that fulfill their own tasks and do not need guardians. They themselves are the guardians of everything that lives in and on them and in their riverbed. Streams are often also sacred. In German it also means "in the river of life". This refers to the quality of the river as the guardian of life.
are also responsible as guardians for everything that happens in and on them. Unfortunately, they occasionally leave their traditional area and relocate, which can lead to major disasters. They are also independent living beings.
The Etruscans were aware of this fact and the Italians still assign a masculine gender to the sea by calling it "il Mare" (= the sea).
As the Deutschen have no access to the secrets of the earth, they have given the sea the neuter article "das Meer" or the feminine article "die See". Both are wrong. The word for water in Deutsch also has the wrong article "das". The Italians also know better here, they say "la aqua". This is correct. Water is feminine. So there was no exchange of knowledge here. This simple example also shows how important the exchange of knowledge between peoples is.
Note from A.M.Hosta: When we were on Fuerteventura in 2017 and Jesus was with us and we were walking along the beach, the Lord said to me:
"I am the sea. Put a thought into it and it will arrive in America."
In the underground area
of the Altaj Mountains is where the spirits of the earth gather. This is where they meet, where their kings live and where they celebrate their festivals. They come together here to support the Deutschen people with advice and wisdom.
Dwarves, gnomes and other elemental beings
It is the dwarves, among others, who can provide information about the treasures and caves of the earth. But they want to be asked in order to be able to answer. Dwarves live very deep in the earth and hardly ever come to the surface.
They know everything about natural gases, crude oil, underground water veins, deposits of ores, precious stones, gold, silver and much more. They must enable and grant access to all these natural resources on behalf of creation. They also sow the seeds of the crystals and ensure their growth. Some substances that we know as mineral resources were only created as a result of processing by the dwarves.
They also know a great deal about artificial light, as they can produce a light that is very similar to the white light of God. It is far brighter than the halogen light we are familiar with. They are rightly extremely proud of this ability.
But the gnomes also live in the earth. They are the master builders under the earth and know all about tunnel construction and other subterranean structures. These people, who are invisible to us, have been given the very important task by creation of establishing and maintaining the connection between the outer and inner earth. However, it belongs to the realm of fairy tales that there are large, externally accessible entrances into the earth's interior at the poles of the earth. The connection between the worlds is so important because the exchange of all life - plant, animal and human - must be guaranteed at all times. In earlier times, miners were still aware of their friends, the gnomes. They therefore made small offerings in the tunnels with the request that the gnomes would help them and protect them from mining accidents.
The earth's statics, especially those for tunnel construction, can also be obtained from gnomes, just as they can provide information about the behavior of rock strata during the passage of boreholes. Gnomes live in all layers of the earth - in contrast to the dwarves also in the uppermost layers - and sometimes even come to light for a short time.
In earlier times, the German people were always aware of the help of nature spirits, beings or gods. Therefore, it was always customary among the people to sacrifice some of their food or drink to these beings and to place a bowl with gifts or something similar in a suitable place.
By the way, young women should dream under the elder bush if they want to know who they will marry. The elves would then be responsible for this, and of course they must also be considered.
Folk tales
Inthe Grimm brothers' collection of fairy tales - first published in 1812 - these creatures are told in the form of stories for children. Just like Hans Christian Andersen and Ludwig Bechstein, the Brothers Grimm compiled and wrote down fairy tales and myths from Deutschland lands in a lengthy and laborious process. If they had failed to do so, this treasure would probably have perished by now. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Brothers Grimm and everyone else once again for their comprehensive and preserving work. This knowledge of the living plant and water world has been passed on by the Deutschen people over thousands of years through fairy tales and legends from one generation to the next. Preserving it is of extraordinary importance. Unfortunately, efforts are underway today to falsify this - e.g. through the fantasy tales of the hobbits, Middle Earth and the Lord of the Rings. Such stories are purely invented and, contrary to what is portrayed in fairy tales and myths, have no kernel of truth. They have been created to confuse people and make it difficult or even impossible for them to understand the real world of natural beings. They are also intended to make people believe that the old myths are just as fictitious as the new stories.
Myths, on the other hand, are true events or descriptions of the invisible world. They can be traced back to actual events, so they always have a true core, and are passed on from elders to those who follow so that all descendants can make use of the knowledge they contain. Elemental beings and nature gods are a very important part of nature that should definitely be understood so that people here on earth can live in peace with nature and be richly provided for by it.
The sacred language of the Deutschen
is Deutsch. The Teutons, the main tribe of Deutschen, spoke the Holy Language and wrote in the Holy Deutschen Scriptures.
Every Deutsche still has the key to retrieving folk wisdom in their hands today. This spiritual knowledge is contained in the Holy Deutschen language itself and can be taken directly from it if you study the language thoroughly. The old words and word stems contain the syllables and words that move the world and bring and maintain salvation, blessing and health to all parts of the people. Therefore, in order to gain access to the folk knowledge expressed in the language, the appropriate holy language - in this case Deutsch - should be used. This also makes further knowledge possible, the source of which ultimately lies in the Altaj Mountains, the holiest place of the Deutschen people.
All twelve branches of the Holy Language were created together with the associated peoples and did not, as might be assumed, develop from the simplest sounds over the course of time. It is therefore extremely important to preserve the Deutsche language in its pure form and to undo subsequent omissions, changes and distortions, as only in this way can all members of the people remain connected to the spiritual center of power of the Altaj Mountains. Any interweaving of words that do not belong to the Deutschen language diminishes the strength and protection that the language offers the members of the Deutschen people. The Deutsche language has also been changed to its disadvantage by the so-called "spelling reform". The incorrect spelling of a word makes it unrecognizable as belonging to its language family, so that words can no longer be traced back to their origin (e.g. wenden now becomes "wänden" - derived from Wand? - and no longer derived from Wende), resulting in a different sound pattern that can no longer express the original meaning. Consequently, there can be no correct answer from the Holy Place if such distorted words are used in the question. For every people on earth, the spiritual power is fixed in one main language. You can imagine that every syllable of this language sets a force in motion in the world structure. If I now change this language with syllables, words - especially foreign words - that do not belong to it or that distort its meaning, or with unsuitable ways of speaking and writing that change the sound of words, for example, this acts as a disturbance and sets other, almost always detrimental processes in motion.
Unfortunately, only the Deutschen people have been able to keep the essential part of their sacred language alive over the millennia through many speakers, so that they have remained connected to their sacred place to this day. Among the other peoples, the decline of their language has progressed further, in some cases to such an extent that it will be extremely difficult to revive it. The number of speakers of the other sacred languages is consistently much smaller than that of the Deutschen people. In this respect, the dark forces have already come very close to completing their sinister work.
Everyone who speaks Deutsch should try to listen to the old words. Let words such as Liebe, Leben, Zuflucht, Herz, Weisheit, Ahne, ausruhen oder schützen, hegen, vermindern, increase melt on your tongue in silence and listen attentively to their sound. If you are religious, try to compose a hymn of praise to the Creator consisting only of old Deutsche words. You will be amazed at the feelings that will arise in all listeners of Deutschen origin.
Until some time ago, the language of science was Deutsch. This is only logical, as it is the responsibility of the Deutschen people to pass on scientific knowledge to other peoples. The Deutsche language has only very recently been pushed out of the public scientific sphere. Today, English has largely replaced Deutsch as the language of science. Publications in the field of science and research are increasingly being written in English - predominantly in its American variant - even when they originate from Deutschen scientists. First of all, it should be pointed out that there is a major difference between the old English language and American English.
According to the plan of the dark forces, all old word stems are to be irretrievably forgotten. This would mean that no further inventions useful to mankind could be made, and instead human ingenuity would lead to disease, destruction and ruin. But - thank God - counteracting currents can also be identified here. Occasionally, deutsch-speaking scientists and inventors are joining forces and publishing in Deutsch for the benefit of mankind. Important results of their work are currently being partially suppressed, but everything that is already in people's consciousness will remain and will prevail in the long term. Those in power in Deutschland have gone one step further. English lessons have already been introduced in a number of schools from the first grade. These lessons are compulsory for all pupils and cannot be opted out of. Preparations are already being made to change the official language to American in a few years' time. At the latest when these children are grown up, such a change will be made. Then it will only be a small step to the widespread displacement of the deutschen language on deutschem soil. The last sacred language would be separated from its people and would no longer be able to protect its members. Members of the Deutschen people can recover quickly from deep blows of fate not least because they still speak their sacred language. The enormous creative power of the members of the Deutschen people is also based on their integration into their sacred language.
Even today, English has entered the offices of deutschen civil servants outside the authorities largely unnoticed. Here, the exclusive use of English is mandatory for many expressions. One example of this is "Frontofficer", which is actually a porter. Umlauts have also been replaced in many cases - e.g. in the banking sector for Sepa transfers - and are increasingly being abolished in the public sector. The same fate has befallen the "ß". The letter roughly imitates an ancient rune that ensures the supply of feminine, nourishing strength and abundance. This supply of power is to be prevented under all circumstances in future. This is why this very important letter is now only to be used to a very limited extent. After initially considerable resistance to these changes, only the "very incorrigible" now use the old spelling outside of official correspondence. The protection offered by the language is not insignificantly reduced simply by the displacement of a few letters. For all these reasons, it is urgently necessary for the Deutschen people to speak and write their language purely again, without admixtures and omissions.
In the proverbs of the Deutschen people, the wisdom they contain is passed down orally from generation to generation. In the appendix (only available in the printed edition) you will find a rich collection from which the right advice or the right assessment can be taken for many situations in life. Every people has its own proverbs, as every people is different and therefore needs different advice and help. That's why it doesn't make sense to give Indians and Chinese, for example, German proverbs, as they generally can't do anything with them either. "Cobbler, stick to your last." As we can see, there is a confirmation for everything.
The Holy Scriptures of the Deutschen
was written by the Teutons. The Deutschen used this script - albeit slightly modified - until the 1960s. Officially, this script is called "Sütterlin". Here, too, the reference to the deutschen script was blurred earlier. In the vernacular, this script was never called anything other than "deutsche script". It was abolished as a general writing script in the 1960s and replaced by the so-called Latin script, which is not the holy script of the Deutschen, but the holy script of the Wends. This too, of course, is due to the instigation of the dark forces. The Holy Deutschen Scriptures influence the world for the good solely through the embodiment of Deutsche words. When a Deutscher reads a text in the old Scriptures, a great deal of hidden content flows into his subconscious in addition to what he has read, thus simultaneously conveying inner warmth and integration in the sense of protection from primal fears.
The runes of the Celts
were not writing in the true sense of the word, but signs that were used by the priests as magical symbols for all areas of life in the form of simple mandalas. Otherwise hidden knowledge flowed through the runes to those who knew them. They were able to perceive the secret whispering of the runes, so to speak. Furthermore, the runes attracted a wide variety of powers to the place where they were written. In this way, it was possible for our ancestors to give a family, a village or even a country the corresponding beneficial powers. However, it was also possible for initiates to bring harm to others with the help of the runes. Later, these signs were used for writing and attempts were made to assign letters to them. This resulted in a considerable distortion of their meaning as bringers of power, knowledge and change, which they actually were.
The task of the Deutschen people
is to teach all people about nature and its laws. For the Deutschen people are particularly capable of imparting all the wisdom of nature below, on and above the earth to other peoples and of teaching them to use it for the benefit of mankind This is the task of the Deutschen people and no other.
To this end, the Deutsche people must once again cultivate the Deutsche language and the Deutsche script, write it, speak it purely and in this way try to bring the knowledge preserved in the Altaj Mountains into the general consciousness and make it accessible to every member of the people. This will renew the strength, efficiency and spiritual power of the Deutschen people. As an example of how important the Deutsche language is, the meaning of "to preserve" in the sense of "to guard the truth" should be pointed out.
Once this is accomplished, the Deutschen can help other peoples to restore their spiritual strength and wisdom from the remnants of their languages with the help of their Holy Places, which are responsible for them. This will enable them to regain their own spiritual distinctiveness and also make their contribution to the prosperity of humanity. For as long as a people does not speak its own sacred language, its individual parts are like lost leaves in the autumn wind. For this reason, conquerors destroy the language of the conquered in order to take away their knowledge and thus also their power, even if the victors may not be aware of these connections and thus the actual background to their actions.
Downfall of the Deutschen people
To the same extent that the Deutschen people are increasingly separated from their center of wisdom, their natural wisdom and its application can unfortunately also be used by "the dark forces". In the Nazi era, this was increasingly accomplished by the sun wheel - called the swastika - which was twisted into the opposite direction and attracted confusion, ruin and destruction with power by its mere presence. It is a magical sign that brings dissolution and downfall without further ado. "Dark forces" like to fight with magical means, as they assume that the knowledge about this is no longer - or at least no longer properly - available to people. At least one member of the Deutschen government at the time knew about the destructive powers of the swastika. However, they concealed its mode of action and pretended that the symbol would bring prosperity and victory to the Deutschen people. Supported by the use of the swastika, the leadership of the Deutschen people at the time actually succeeded in subjugating large numbers of other peoples and even partially destroying them. Inevitably, however, this also led to the destruction of large parts of their own people. The swastika unfolded its pernicious effect on all sides with great power. Since the deutsche population knew nothing about the ominous effect of this magical symbol, it was ultimately misused ignorantly, first turning its weapons against others and thereby also bringing destruction and death upon itself. Without the use of the swastika, the second great war would not have been so far-reaching and devastating. Perhaps it could have been avoided altogether.
The third great war will again be prepared with magical signs and then waged using these signs. As Irlmeier put it, it will be the big winner.
The "dark forces" have been trying very hard for a long time to weaken the Deutschen people decisively. The Deutschen people should only remain capable of working as long as it was useful to the "dark forces". Now, at a time when everything is being prepared for the establishment and surveillance of a world prison, it is to be dissolved and scattered to the four winds and ultimately destroyed. The "dark forces" cannot tolerate any people on earth who have access to their original knowledge and still have the opportunity to enjoy real truth and sacred knowledge. From such a people, people can rise up again and again to strengthen the people and lead them out of bondage by the right means - not by the violence of the streets. Millions of Deutschen and deutsch-speaking people have died in two major wars. The First and Second World Wars and the European history of that period will come under renewed scrutiny in the coming new era. Perhaps the historians will then bring to light the real reasons and machinations behind the course of history, bearing in mind that the deutsche language and the members of the deutschen people are very much in the way of the intentions of the "dark forces".
The extermination of the deutsch-speaking people in a third great war is to be so thorough that the remaining small group can no longer pose a threat to the rulers of the world, especially if they are subsequently forbidden to use the deutschen language, thus completing the subjugation of the peoples of the world. Other signs of the decline of the Deutschen people are also obvious to an attentive observer. These include large-scale deforestation in many deutschen forests. These are carried out firstly because a country without forests cannot have a balanced climate, and secondly to ensure that the deforested areas become barren and can no longer provide people with food, living space or a home. To this end, huge tree felling machines are currently being purchased and used in Deutschland, which can fell large quantities in a short time and in a single operation, then immediately limb and strip the bark. Everywhere the forest is currently being stripped bare. It is very sad that not even the foresters in this country are opposing this.
The second measure that has now been initiated by the deutschen authorities concerns hunting in state forests. Here, a massive culling of the game population is currently being carried out. This was ordered directly by the dark forces in order to prevent the forest from being able to recover from deforestation on its own. The ultimate goal for these hateful beings is the karstification and subsequent desertification that is progressing all over the world in order to deprive the - in this case the Deutschen people of their arable land and thus their bread. In nature, game makes a significant contribution to the restoration of the forest. It is only through the feeding habits of game that the seeds of many trees and plants are prepared in such a way that they can germinate. Preventing this is the real purpose of the mass killing of game. But it is not only the direct killing of game that is practiced, the "natural" reduction of the game population through the excessive release of lynx - which primarily hunt roe deer - and wolves in Europe also contributes to the decline of the forests. Due to the current large-scale killings, the red deer still native to Deutschland are being pushed to the brink of extinction. The fact that game is now being killed indiscriminately in state forests regardless of sex or age means that packs are disintegrating and only small remnant populations can survive, if at all. In addition, in recent years the numbers of deer and small game - which includes roe deer - to be shot by hunters have been drastically increased, so that it is no longer possible for the animals to escape to private land. If this species - the red deer - is not helped, our grandchildren will no longer be able to see red deer.
The pretended reason that one wants to counteract the spread of the wolf population by depriving them of their food source is not correct. On the contrary, large numbers of wolves are being released into the wild throughout Central and Northern Europe. Its reproduction and spread is extremely desirable, which is why there is a general ban on shooting in individual countries. One of the aims of the large-scale reintroduction into the wild is to frighten the population so that they no longer dare to go out into nature on foot. The aim is to stir up fear, which will be fanned by the newspapers, which will soon be reporting on attacks by wolf packs.
All people living in Deutschland will be affected by the subsequent transformation of natural conditions - including those who are currently involved in this process of destruction. It remains to be hoped for the population not involved in this outrage that a change in thinking will take place in the offices and that the people there will not expose themselves to the accusation of their children and grandchildren.
The population often recognizes what is going on, but cannot do anything as they no longer have any real rights. In this and similar ways, many other peoples have also been deprived of their homeland in the past.
But there are also other ways in which the environment is being significantly affected, as there is no longer anyone who can effectively counter the dark forces. In the distant past, long before the time when the mighty flash of fire made the settlement area of the Deutschen people partially uninhabitable, mainly Deutschen lived in what is now Ukraine. In those distant times, they used appropriate methods to create the extensive black earth soils, which still have a beneficial effect on the people living there today. With sensible cultivation and appropriate crop rotation, there is no need to fertilize these soils, as the soils are able to recover on their own. Black earth soils are always cultivated land. They do not occur like this in nature. At that time, all peoples, not just the South Americans, knew how to produce such soils. In addition to the Deutschen, the Wends also produced black earth soils on a large scale. The existence of such arable land made it much easier to grow crops and, together with other measures, also made the use of pesticides and insecticides unnecessary. The government currently in power in Ukraine has already initiated everything to destroy these millennia-old cultivated soils on instructions from outside. Here - as in many places in the world - genetically modified plants are to be cultivated and the soil, which does not actually need any additives, is to be saturated with weedkillers and insecticides. There is therefore a danger that even these soils will become infertile and the land will subsequently fall into disrepair.
If the deutsche primitive people were still present in large numbers in their old settlement area and if they remembered their abilities, such detrimental developments would be prevented. This also clearly shows that everything must be done to counteract the worldwide efforts to destroy the earth and thus the habitat of all beings. However, other powers and probably also members of the Deutschen people will still intervene in order to prevent this course of humanity into complete slavery and the subsequent downfall.
The decline was and is only possible because the Deutschen people, like all other peoples, have become smaller and have lost their knowledge of their holy language, their holy scripture and their holy place. The loss of memory also gave rise to the
Abuse of sacred knowledge
The atomic bomb was invented by Wernher von Braun during and after the Nazi era. This is a particularly vivid example of how the abilities of a people can and are put at the service of the dark forces when the connection to the sources is no longer there or is obscured.
Atomization is a thoroughly destructive process that should never have been set in motion and must be ended today rather than tomorrow. Hate and love are juxtaposed here, since hate divides and love unites. Time will tell whether the spirits that have been summoned can be banished again (strong deutsche words: Bann, Banner, Bannstrahl). Logically, this would have to be carried out by members of the Deutschen people, since it is from their ranks that the Pandora's box has been opened. It stands to reason that such a devastating invention was made by a Deutschen, since it was easy for a Deutschen to gain access to the natural resources - in this case uranium - and the corresponding technology. Let us hope that the Deutschen can reverse this disastrous development.
Consequences of the decline of the Deutschen
The Deutschen are currently unable to free themselves from the grip of the dark forces because they have lost their connection to the Holy Place. As a result, the inventive spirit of this people is suppressed, paralyzed or steered in the wrong direction. The Deutsche language has become so fragile due to external influences that the dark forces have gained an increasingly powerful grip on each individual. The settlement areas of the Deutschen are virtually flooded with members of other peoples, meanwhile with the declared aim of promoting a mixture and making the distinctiveness of the Deutschen even more unrecognizable. This will lead to tensions and unrest and a further dissolution of social ties, a development that has also begun among many other peoples and is still continuing.
Such impairments, which progress from month to month and are also expressed in a multitude of laws and decrees, paralyze the people. If the Deutschen people were allowed, at least in a small area, to be proud of being deutsch and to live a self-determined and free life - and not, as Schäuble and Obama have both said, have to live in an entity that is not sovereign and is still occupied - it would be much easier for this people to remember. Memory would then provide the necessary strength for reconsideration. The dark forces would then no longer have such an easy game. As long as the dark forces prevent remembrance, i.e. reflection on the origins and sources of the deutsche nationhood, they can deny the deutschen people freedom, pride and self-determination within the framework of their own state. Those who strive for their own state, i.e. one that is independent of the rule of the dark forces, in which they can relate their national pride to this state and be aware of their integration into the Deutschen people, must work in the manner described above to break the supremacy of the dark forces.
They also use other means to bind the Deutschen people into dependency and servitude by evoking and reinforcing feelings of guilt with regard to the disastrous developments during the Second World War in order to induce the Deutschen people to behave in a deeply submissive manner for an indefinite period of time - completely independent of personal guilt. Such an approach is also excellently suited to ducking individual people, but also entire nations, thereby suppressing them and influencing them according to one's own ideas.
How many comforts the Deutschen could offer the people of this world if, yes, if they would remember their origins and find their way back to their old strength.
The world urgently needs good and healthy food in sufficient quantities and not products from genetically modified or even poisonous plants that are harmful to health. Genetically modified plants are often modified in such a way that they are insensitive to certain toxins. By changing and lowering their vibrational range, they can enter into a relationship with the poisons used on them (e.g. "Round Up"). They have thus become a poison themselves, so that they harm those who use and eat them as food ingredients. But even without the use of poisons, genetically modified plants are harmful because of their unnatural, hostile design. The Deutschen would be in a position to explain such connections to all peoples in a comprehensible way. They would also be able to name spoiled or poisonous foods and explain why these things should be avoided because of their harmful effects. With their diligence, the Deutschen could work tirelessly for the community of nations so that all people could share in the prosperity.
Karst and desert areas around the world also urgently need to be reforested. No other people than the primitive Deutschen could initiate this better and faster, as they have the necessary knowledge about construction measures, suitable plants and cultivation methods in their sacred place.
Despite all the disintegration brought into the Deutsche people from outside, it is still in a state that could be dangerous for the dark forces. They have therefore been expending a great deal of energy for some time to further immobilize and weaken the Deutschen people. The worst thing that could happen to the dark forces would be a resurgence of the Deutschen people, because they could then begin to help other peoples to find their way back to their roots and then also form a counterweight to the dark forces.
Let us hope that the German people will quickly remember their strength by starting to counter the decay and disintegration of their language and to cultivate and value it again.