VIII. The Wends - the people of knowledge seekers and truth tellers

VIII. The Wends - the people of knowledge seekers and truth tellers
VIII. The Wends - the people of knowledge seekers and truth tellers

Excerpt from: "Die Menschheitslüge – wer wir wirklich sind"

(The lie of humanity - who we really are)

by Ina Maria von Ohr

The Wends are also a people and not just a tribe. They are one of the 12 indigenous peoples and settled from the Far East to the territory of present-day Germany. They do not belong to the Germans or - as is assumed in science - to the Germanic tribes. In German, they were often wrongly referred to as Slavs. However, the Slavs are only one tribe of the Wends, just like the Poles, Slovenes, Prussians, Saxons, Silesians, Angles, Goths, Welsh and others.

The Wends still practise agriculture and livestock farming today. They are peace-loving and domesticated. They cultivated, improved and preserved the various types of grain. However, some tribes also kept ponies like the neighboring Tatars and quite a few of them were also good horsemen.

Tribes of the Wends - The Reußen

are a medium-sized tribe of the Wends. They provided the Russian tsar. Russian is a Wendish language. However, the Russians as a whole cannot be equated with the Prussians, as they are made up of different ethnic groups. Among the Russian population, the Russians were numerically inferior to the Tatars, who are known to be a tribe of the Etruscans. Even then, many people in Russia were unaware of this.

Contrary to popular belief, the Prussians as a tribe also belong to the Prussians. They were and are therefore not Germans, but Wends. The idea that these people did not belong to their tribe - the German people - could explain the aversion of many Bavarians towards the Prussians.

The Goths were the largest tribe of the Wends. They spoke the Holy Language and were highly developed, knew about their role in the community of nations and took it seriously.

The leaders and priests of the Goths maintained active contact with the Atlanteans and were in constant exchange of knowledge with them. In contrast to the Atlanteans, they did not build pyramids to reinforce their holy places, but basilicas. They were taught sacred geometry and mathematics by the Atlanteans and used the knowledge they acquired in the construction of their basilicas. Geometrically designed structures and components can still be seen in them today. In some cases, the Goths were even able to raise the vibration of a holy place by building a basilica to such an extent that people were able to perceive it differently and gain profound insights.

Such a unique basilica can still be found today in the eastern settlement areas of the Goths in present-day Asia. The narrow, very high, upward-tapering windows are not stylistic elements, but allow the divine light of knowledge to stream into the church as if by spotlights. The resulting incidence of light was not purely coincidental, but very much intentional and even calculated. The Wends, and here especially the Goths, have the task in the community of nations of making the sacred knowledge of all events and the corresponding backgrounds accessible to all people and thus enabling them to make a balanced assessment of events on earth. In terms of knowledge, they reach for the stars and are also the bringers of ideas in many areas of knowledge, as they can also stimulate or impart hidden things and techniques that have not yet been practiced on earth.

The settlement area of the Wends

runs north of the land assigned to the German people, starting from parts of Lower Saxony via Wendland, southern and central eastern Germany, the Spreewald, then via Silesia, East Prussia, from there in a narrow corridor to the north via parts of Sweden almost to the North Sea and from East Prussia onwards via Poland, Moscow and Novosibirsk to northern Mongolia. The Stanovyovye Mountains and the Jablonovik Mountains were still settlement areas of the Etruscans. The Goths had their ancestral settlement area in present-day Asia in the last third of this long settlement band. It should still be possible to find evidence of the Goths in these areas, such as towns, buildings and the like.

The settlement area of the Wends in Germany did not extend as far as the Palatinate. The Wends only fled here when they were persecuted in their ancestral territories. The Palatinate actually belongs to the settlement area of the German people.

The holy place of the Wends

lies in Masuria, formerly also correctly called Masurenlande. Masurenlande is located in former East Prussia and present-day Poland. The whole of Masurenlande is sacred, but the center of the holy place is on an island in Lake Spirding, where a temple once stood. The guardian of the Masurian lakes was worshipped in this temple. Today, the island is connected to the mainland by a dam. Before the beginning of the Dark Ages, many pilgrims from the eastern settlement areas, especially Goths and Prussians, visited this shrine.

It was customary for the Wends to make a pilgrimage to this temple on the island in Lake Spirding once in their lives. This was their offering to the guardian of the lakes in Masuria. The pilgrimage was as important for the Wends as the pilgrimage to Mecca is for Muslims today.

The highest priestly class of the Wends were the priests who performed their service there. As a sign of their dignity and knowledge, they wore those golden hats in the shape of a bag, decorated with symbols and figures, one of which has been found in our time. This headgear was an export hit in ancient times. Other Wendish priesthoods, and even priesthoods of other peoples, subsequently also used such hats to emphasize their dignity and knowledge.

The sacred place of the Wends imparts knowledge about everything that deals with technical development, the development of creation or of peoples, i.e. with the progress of life on the globe and in the universe as a whole, but only in material terms without access to the associated intellectual, mathematical, formula-based and spiritual knowledge; the former is reserved for the Etruscans and above all the Atlanteans, the latter above all for the Incas. All other peoples have a more comprehensive view of created things and beings within the scope of their tasks.

In addition, every people has access to extensive, organized records from which its members can extract the knowledge required for their area from the past, present and future. The wealth of knowledge of each people is separated from that of other peoples by strong forces, so that abuse through too much power is prevented. Only very highly developed people can access all the collections of knowledge in the world.

The Wends also have comprehensive access to knowledge about the nature and composition of matter and materials not only in the fields of physics, chemistry, mechanics, mechanical engineering etc., but also in the fields of biology, biochemistry, biotechnology, genetics etc., with the exception of knowledge about the underlying spiritual and mental laws, e.g. the chemical formulae or physical laws. At this point it becomes very clear that no human being can do everything. No matter how hard someone tries, he can only achieve something significant within the framework of the possibilities available to him and the areas assigned to him. For this reason, a school system must be developed in the future that takes into account these insights, which are currently ignored, and promotes children according to their ethnic and tribal affiliation. However, the very personal character and inclinations of each individual child should also be taken into account. It is imperative that we stop lumping everything together regardless of individual characteristics. For example, we must not forcibly try to teach the development of formulas to a person who innately knows everything about souls. A person who is overwhelmed with knowledge that does not correspond to his nature is bound to fail because he is unable to absorb it due to his actual state of being. After all, nobody would seriously try to teach a horse to climb trees. This shows how absurd today's school system is, which largely ignores these principles, and how devastating it can be for our children. In such misguided schools, children feel small, humiliated and misunderstood. One can only attribute such "education" to the fact that it is not intended from the outset to educate the children according to their abilities, as otherwise they could do enormous harm to the "dark forces". Only people who feel inferior are easy to control.

In Greece, before the Atlantic Plate Fall, schools were attached to the temples of the time, where acting lessons were taught, among other things. The basic outline of an action was given - for example, mother kills son - from which the pupils then developed the consequences of this action under the guidance of the priests.

In this way, the spiritual laws of destiny were demonstrated and illustrated by acting out the action, thus consolidating the knowledge gained. The exercises and the subsequent performances took place in public. Anyone who happened to be passing by could watch. The study of the laws that determine fate was logically referred to as theater studies. Mind you, before the fall of the plate, drama was used to impart wisdom to schoolchildren and not, as it is today, primarily to entertain or amuse the masses. Today's

"theater studies"

no longer have anything in common with these very early, ethically extraordinarily high teaching contents. In the period after the fall of the Plattenfall - until the fall of the Roman Empire - acting was removed from the general curriculum. It was only practiced by people who belonged to a particularly elevated class. In even later times, the teaching of wisdom deteriorated further and ended up at the level of jugglers and circus performers. By this time at the latest, the human-educating qualities of the former theatrical sciences were no longer present. In a new era to come, the introduction of this character-building subject should be considered again.

Today's school system was introduced by "dark forces" in order to weaken people by destroying their self-esteem and to keep them submissive in this state.

Any strengthening of the individual was to be hindered, as was education towards a sense of unity. To this end, the systems have been elaborated and redesigned in such a way that, on the one hand, beneficial interpersonal behavior is increasingly hindered and nowadays partially prevented, and on the other hand, general scientific truths are passed on incorrectly or incompletely. In the medium term, both lead to the disintegration of societies, as this causes people's personalities to atrophy at a young age, so that later adults can no longer be pillars of society. From the outset, they are then no longer able to fulfill tasks within the framework of their people or tribe. Each people has a specific task, of which each tribe is assigned a limited area to complete. For example, a Saxon is particularly good at bringing all knowledge about peoples and their development to earth, while a Prussian has such possibilities with regard to technology and mechanical engineering. So the following always applies: Each according to his abilities and his ability!

The area above the earth of Masurenlande provides knowledge about events and developments in the future. A Wende can therefore predict whether there will be a machine to simplify or enable

work, but he cannot usually develop and build it alone if the necessary formulas and laws are not yet or no longer available.

A Wende knows where good and great things can be discovered, so that wrong paths do not have to be taken in the first place, and destructive inventions that only cause mankind annoyance do not have to be made at all. By passing on his ideas, he can thus induce scientists from other peoples to research in this or that direction. Furthermore, the Wendish people can learn everything about the future of countries and peoples, and even about the earth as a whole. This would help individuals to adjust to this and to organize their personal lives accordingly.

The Masurian lands also provide all knowledge about space, both past, present and future. A Wende can tell whether a planet is changing its orbit, what gravitational forces are at work in space, whether one celestial body is larger than another and similar things. However, he cannot develop the formulas necessary to understand these facts. This knowledge is reserved for the Atlanteans or Etruscans. The Wende can lead the way, but the other peoples must follow and strive to implement the more advanced ideas of a Wende.

In the realm on earth, the knowledge of what is happening in the present is available in terms of technology, machinery, buildings, ways of producing goods of all kinds and the materials needed to do so. All tangible things that can be produced, including chemical substances or herbal remedies, can be queried. However, Wends can only find out whether and how something works, but why and for what spiritual and mental reasons this is the case must be found out by the representatives of other peoples.

The Wends can find out everything about ethnology, zoology, botany, geology and geology. They can therefore also provide information on whether there are continental plates at all, where they may run and whether and how they shift, but they cannot give the reasons for this.

Furthermore, they can check all events in the past and present for their truthfulness. They notice every historical lie and every distortion in a person's career.

In the area beneath the earth

the sacred place of the Wends holds the knowledge of events in the past that deal with mechanical and technical progress, knowledge about creation, the development of peoples through to the development of smaller communities, political circumstances and everything that has happened in the past. Turners can inquire into the history of mankind and also recognize and correct misrepresentations or omissions in political events. It was therefore of particular importance for the "dark forces" to alienate this people from their task, because only in this way was it possible to falsify historical events largely unnoticed. If members of this people had consistently exposed false reports in history books or newspapers as lies, many wickednesses and deceptions would not have been possible. The following sentence represents a spiritual law: By naming the truth, the world structure changes.

In the new era, the entire history of the present as well as the past will have to be set straight. For the future, it is important that the rulers of the day do not determine history, but that the events are written down without distortion. Only if this happens can we learn from mistakes and promote the common good through this learning process.

Wends can learn, for example, that people lived at the time of the so-called dinosaurs, although they are only able to place this in chronological order by mentally consulting the world memory and reading the dates there. They themselves have no sense of time and its expansions or compressions and cannot make any statements about time sequences and time spans without aids. This is only possible for the Aborigines, who have comprehensive access to the relevant knowledge and can report on all historical events in terms of their course and duration.

Furthermore, the Sacred Place Underground provides the Wends with all knowledge about underground buildings, tunnel and cave systems. All man-made locations can be recognized and described. The same applies to natural features. However, this is more difficult for a Wenden, as this actually falls within the domain of the Etruscans and Incas. Etruscans know everything that has to do with the structure of the earth.

It is therefore characteristic of the Wends that they make - ultimately accurate - assertions of a factual nature with almost somnambulistic certainty, without being able to explain why this is so.

Of course, here - as with all other peoples - correct knowledge presupposes a completely pure ancestry and the use of the corresponding holy language and scripture. Moreover, the existence of a holy place of the people concerned is sufficient, without the need for physical presence there for the creation of knowledge. A person can therefore also be on the other side of the world, but will still be provided with the knowledge of his people, as the Holy Place transmits continuously. However, as already mentioned, the connection to it is many times stronger when the people are in their place of power.

The sacred language of the Wends

is the language of the Goths called Windisch, a Slavic language that was spoken in ancient times in Masuria, among other places.

The Slovenes are also a Wendish tribe, but their language is not the holy language. Neither the current Slovenian national language nor the language still occasionally spoken in Austria, Windisch, which also originates from the Slovenes, is the Holy Language of the Wends. This alone was the original language of the Goths, and only it represents the actual Windisch.

The National Socialists, who were in direct contact with the "dark forces", knew that the Masurian language still had a great deal in common with the original Holy Windisch. They therefore banned this language after coming to power and did everything in their power to destroy its last remnants. Ultimately, the expulsion of the East Prussians from Masuria was probably also due to the efforts of the "dark forces" to alienate the peoples from their Holy Places and Holy Language and thus break their power. A people that lives in its Holy Place, speaks its Holy Language and even writes in its Holy Scriptures represents one of the greatest threats to "the dark forces". A capable, independently thinking and acting leader can emerge from such a people at any time, who will lead the people back to freedom without violence. The expulsion of the Wends from this area must therefore be seen as part of the efforts to subjugate humanity. The Poles who followed were also Wends, but they spoke a completely different language. Some of them were also mixed with Etruscans - Tatars (today's Russians) are Etruscans - so that in any case the exchange of peoples drove a wedge between the direct connection to the Holy Place. Of course, these new arrivals also had no love for the Masurian land.

In Gotland in southern Sweden, the old Gothic language is still spoken by some people to this day. It is called "Gutamal" by the people living there, which means "good sign". A language related to Gothic is also still spoken in Estonia. Estonian is a continuation of Gothic. In some parts of Latvia and Lithuania, the last remnants of the sacred language of the Wends are still in use.

As mentioned at the beginning, the settlement area of the Wends extended over parts of Sweden almost as far as the North Sea. The Lapps there are Wends who also still speak a variation of the sacred language of their people.

Significantly, the Lapps are no longer called Lapps, but "Sami", although they are actually Etruscans, which in turn is intended to blur the origins of a people and their affiliation to it in the interests of the "dark forces".

Windisch, the sacred language of the Wends, would have to be restored to its original form, revived and spoken by many Wends.

The Holy Language of the Goths and all Wends and the Holy German Language have mixed somewhat over the course of time in the settlement areas used by both peoples through the use of the other language. Nevertheless, they should also be spoken purely without any admixture of the other language in order to be able to develop their full effect.

Both peoples, the Germans and the Wends, are outwardly very similar. However, as Slavs, the Wends generally have broader cheekbones than the Germans.

The holy script of the Wends is the Gothic script. Today, this script is referred to as the Latin script and is written by all peoples in the western world. The majority of the Wends themselves write - how could it be expected otherwise - in the Russian script and not in the Latin script. For the Wends, their wisdom is only accessible with the help of the Gothic - Latin - script and not in the Russian script. This does not help them. So here, too, confusion and ignorance prevail.

The basilica

As the Wendish people are born with the ability to access the world's memory at any time, they are the guarantors of honesty and sincerity in the world and can correct any misperception if necessary. Because the special abilities of the Wends also extend to construction, this people was able to develop a counter-design to the pyramids in the form of basilicas. Church buildings, which replaced the basilicas in later times, cannot fulfill their main task - increasing the vibration of the place where they stand - as they were built without the corresponding knowledge of sacred geometry. Once again, the destruction of traditional knowledge was deliberately and fundamentally pursued by replacing the basilica with a church. Of course, princes and high clergymen were buried in basilicas, just as they were later buried in pyramids.

However, both pyramids and basilicas were not used as burial sites, but as places of piety, to gain knowledge and, above all, to enhance the surrounding area. The main purpose of humanity's life before the Dark Ages was to gain knowledge, to fit in with creation and to understand it. Since the beginning of the Dark Ages, however, humanity's path has unfortunately led in the opposite direction.

This destructive development is still in full swing worldwide. It was and is intended to destroy knowledge and make access to it impossible. It is also intended to alienate people from creation and their Creator by presenting our world as the random result of a mechanistic development. The knowledge of the origins and interrelationships of existence that originally existed among all peoples has been destroyed, closed off or falsified. If the Wends had been better able to oppose this development, no such lies and deception would have entered the world. But the inability to escape the influence of the dark times unfortunately affects all peoples equally. It remains to be hoped that the earth and the remnants of the German people can also help this great nation to regain its former strength.

Consequences of the destruction of the Wends

The Wends are currently no longer able to fulfill their task, as they too no longer know their origins and are no longer even aware that they are Wends. Instead, they think of themselves as Germans, Russians, Asians and so on. Some of them are even unaware that Wends ever existed. Even the North Germans and large parts of the people living in the western parts of Russia are no longer aware that they belong to a single large people. Perhaps, however, the mutual goodwill of these parts of the population of the respective states is based on the inner unconscious knowledge.

If the Wends were once again aware of their ancestry, their sacred language and their task, lies and deceit would quickly die out on earth, as a Wende could turn things around (=set things right) in the twinkling of an eye. Today, the expression "to turn a matter around" is even often written with an ä (wänden from Wand) in order to divert attention from the origin of this word from the Wends' vocabulary, thereby concealing its true origins and contexts. The Wends, and here in particular the Goths, could have a decisive influence on the progress of mankind, as with their help inventions could be placed more specifically in the growth of knowledge. Inventions that contradict true knowledge or are superfluous in this respect could be avoided from the outset, saving many detours.

The end of the dark ages would also not result in humanity falling back into the Stone Age, as representatives of the "dark forces" would have us believe, but would instead favor and rapidly advance the development of inventions that are useful to humanity.

This would improve living conditions for all and poverty would disappear. The mere fact that nature will no longer be exploited, but supported to the best of our ability, should make a decisive contribution to this. The dark machinations of the powerful are intended to prevent such a development. At present, it would be of no use if the Wends were to take the knowledge of really useful inventions from the sky, as their implementation would certainly be prevented. Let us hope that the Wends will quickly become great and powerful again so that they can make a decisive contribution to the well-being of mankind. The well-being of us all and a life in abundance depend on it.

Now we leave the Eurasian continent behind us and turn to the Americas, or to be more precise, first to South America and thus to the important Inca people. They have tasks that are fundamentally different from those of the Wends.