Heavenly Jerusalem is now here



TTT 44 : 32 Come near so that I may raise you to true life and remind you that you were created to give. But as long as you do not know what you carry within you, it will be impossible for you to give to the one who needs it.

Heavenly Father has just answered my question about 5G because you can't feel it:

"Mass ejections"

Ahhh!!! I see. The coronal mass ejections from the sun that hit the earth overlay 5G and increase the vibration of the earth so that no one is harmed. An ejection that could have led to outages at the weekend has been 'lost', according to the scientist, i.e. redirected by the angels.

The war in Ukraine has only been at a standstill for so long because Russia has only defended its territory. But after Cameron from Great Britain said that the soldiers could shoot at Russia and Macron sent French soldiers to the hotly contested front, Russia has started to conquer Ukrainian territory too, and this is happening very quickly. They are taking one village after another and are now advancing rapidly. Kiev is trembling and asking for more and more weapons and soldiers, but it's all happening far too slowly.

The thick air is now very noticeable. The heavenly Father says that this is "Nazi Germany", which is flaring up again these days and finally he says: "The heavenly Jerusalem is here now!" and he means the heavenly city, the spiritual Jerusalem of the spirit beings who are working to raise the vibration of the earth from the heart.


TTT 52 : 6 This world, which should be the home of a single family embracing all mankind, is the apple of discord and the cause of senseless striving for power, of treachery and war. This life, which should be used for study, spiritual contemplation and the endeavor to attain eternal life by using the trials and lessons for the benefit of the spirit, is misconceived by man, so that he allows his heart to be poisoned by resentment, bitterness, materialism and discontent.


There were many people around me and someone lent me a pair of skis. Then we were all off-road and there was a road and I had the skis strapped on and was trying to get ahead because there was no snow. I don't think anyone else had skis on apart from me and they thought it was inappropriate, even strange. They took offense at it and I didn't want these skis myself and wondered who I could give them to. Then a speedy skier dressed all in black appeared behind me and I was in his way so much that he told me to get out of the way: Get out of the way, I want to go that way and he tried to push me aside and I got out of his way. After that I didn't see him anymore and he had disappeared.

I woke up and it was utter darkness inside me, pure hell. I heard the words and thought they were coming from above us: Lesbian. I am coming.

And a fire blazed inside me, a spiritual fire, and I stuffed absorbent cotton into my ears so that I wouldn't have to hear any more words or feel any more feelings.

I got up, went into the kitchen, started praying and calling on the name of Jesus.

Then I perceived an image of the soldiers at the front, how it also felt like hell inside them, an inner fire, an inner burning, fear of death and grief for the fallen comrades.

I began to sacrifice all my hardship, everything I was experiencing for the soldiers fighting for our safety (if Russia wins there will be peace in Europe, otherwise it will be World War III). And as I did this, it also became lighter in me and a little brighter again and I heard very clearly the palpitations that I always feel when Jesus is present in me and I realized that it also became a little lighter for the soldiers, how they were strengthened by it and more willing to act, even if I saw that one of them had died.

The situation at the front

A group of Ukrainian forces surrendered to the Russian forces in order to stay alive and because they knew they were in good hands. The Russian forces are advancing further and further along the entire front line into Ukraine and Ukraine has nothing left to oppose them. Selensky has canceled his planned begging trips abroad because the situation in Ukraine is becoming increasingly hopeless.

Assassination attempt

President 'Fico' of Slovakia was assassinated because he made positive comments about the Russian measures. He was hospitalized and operated on. The operation went well.