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TTT 16 : 33 Consider how different my law is, which binds neither the body nor the spirit. It only persuades you lovingly and guides you with kindness. It gives you everything without selfishness and self-seeking, and rewards and repays you in the course of time. (155, 14 - 16)

The event


Glory to God for this revelation he has given us today!

TTT 47 : 3 Search my word until you are certain of its purity and its truth. Only then will you be able to go your way with courage and remain steadfast in the face of the intrusion of materialistic ideas that threaten the spirit. For materialism is death, is darkness, is a yoke and poison for the spirit. Never...

TTT 8 : 83 I have come down into the bosom of the people of Israel, the majority of whom are at home in this nation. The rest are scattered in all nations, sent by Me, and to them I have made Myself known spiritually. These are My chosen ones who have remained faithful to Me. Their hearts have not...

DDT 2 : 21 When the time has come, you will see how they will come from other peoples and nations to seek you out. Then the men of the great denominations will be concerned that it is not they to whom I have turned. (276,45)



TTT 56 : 19 For the people of today, the world and its pleasures are the meaning of their lives. But soon they will value the spirit more than the body, and the body more than the clothes, and instead of running after worldly glories, they will seek the immortality of the spirit.